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We're now going to discuss how to configure the Khatru29 example relay environment file which allows us to set various relay settings. We're also going to discuss how to create the data directory which will be owned by the nostr user.

Environment File

We're going to create the Khatru29 example relay environment file in the /etc/systemd/system directory:

touch /etc/systemd/system/khatru29.env

Data Directory

We're going to create a data directory for the Khatru29 example relay in the /var/lib directory:

mkdir -p /var/lib/khatru29

We can change the permissions of the data directory and all of its content, i.e., the files and subdirectories inside of it:

chmod 0755 -R /var/lib/khatru29

We can then change the ownership of the data directory to use the nostr user:

chown -R nostr:nostr /var/lib/khatru29

Edit Environment File

To change the relay settings you can open the khatru29.env file:

nano /etc/systemd/system/khatru29.env

We're now going to add the following lines to the environment file:

RELAY_NAME="Relay Runner's Khatru29 Relay"
RELAY_DESCRIPTION="This is a Relay Runner Khatru29 relay."

Here's a description of the relay settings:

  • DOMAIN - The domain name of your server, e.g., "".

  • PORT - The port your relay will use for the WebSocket connection. This setting is optional and the default value is "5577" which is what we're using.

  • DATABASE_PATH - The directory where your relay will store data. This setting is optional and the default value is set to "./db". We'll set this to "/var/lib/khatru29/db".

  • RELAY_NAME - The name of your relay which will be shared with Nostr clients. Should be less than 30 characters. We'll set this to "Relay Runner's Khatru29 Relay".

  • RELAY_PRIVKEY - Your Nostr private key (32-byte hex, not nsec) that you're using as the relay's private key. Be sure to input your secret key securely, i.e., don't let anyone, any camera, etc. see your secret key, clear your clipboard if you're copying and pasting the value, etc. Be sure to replace "<your-secret-key>" with your secret key.

  • RELAY_DESCRIPTION - A description of your relay. This setting is optional and the default value is set to "". We'll set this to "This is a Relay Runner Khatru29 relay.".

  • RELAY_CONTACT - Alternative contact used for administrative requests. Can be an email or website and should be a URI using schemes like mailto or https. This setting is optional and the default value is "". We'll set this to "".

  • RELAY_ICON - URL to your relay's icon, e.g., "". It's recommended to be in squared shape. This setting is optional and the default value is "".